February half term Holiday club 2025 will be running from Monday 17th Feb-Friday 21st Feb, bookings will open on Monday 27th January 2025
01422 845820

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24 - 36 months

Lilliputs is the largest of the nursery’s rooms and provides lots of space for children to explore, discover and play! The space is fun, inviting and interesting and provides continous provision for different areas of learning, so that children have lots of choice about what to play with, as well as access to the outside. We have recently purchased new furniture and equipment for the room so that we can continue to extend and enhance the children’s learning experience.

We take every opportunity to explore themes collectively, such as colours, seasons and cultural activities. We celebrate a range of festivals throughout the year – not forgetting all the children’s birthdays which we mark with birthday buns, presents and a nursery sing-song! During their time in Lilliputs, children will be encouraged to become more independent, potty-training in their own bathroom, helping themselves to water or choosing their own activities.

Lilliputs is split into two rooms at times during the day for adult led activities such as baking, stories and singing sessions and can take a maximum of 12 children up to the age of 3.

Meet this room's staff:

go to next room (Gullivers)