February half term Holiday club 2025 will be running from Monday 17th Feb-Friday 21st Feb, bookings will open on Monday 27th January 2025
01422 845820

Nursery Life

Life at nursery is full of opportunities for socialising, whether at mealtimes, playing outside, creative projects even preparing our Christmas show.

Our staff work hard to create activities that nurture the children as well as helping them to develop confidence and independence. Nestled in the heart of West Yorkshire it is only natural that the great outdoors is an important part of daily life here at Crossley Mill. We have three very different outdoor spaces that the children can explore at different times of the day, in all kinds of weather. The spaces are truly magical and we also invested in a large range of equipment from balance bikes to water walls so that the staff and children can change the space and keep creating fresh and exciting environments for your children to engage in.

In addition to our own space we have two very lovely parks and nearby woodland that we have the opportunity to explore with our children. We have a number of large 'bus' buggies so that our non walking and very young children can go out for a walk each day.

Sensory play, creativity, stories, singing, games and time to relax and play independently. Starting life at nursery away from your home is a lot to take in for children and families that is why we feel it is vital to have a settling in period.

We feel that happy healthy children are the cornerstone of our success that is why we have an in house chef providing home cooked organic treats for your children. Read more about our yummy tummies.