February half term Holiday club 2025 will be running from Monday 17th Feb-Friday 21st Feb, bookings will open on Monday 27th January 2025
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Settling In

Crossley Mill offers settling-in sessions for all children due to start at the nursery.

Our settling sessions are free of charge and they involve parents/carers coming into the nursery and staying with their child in the room they will be settling in. This gives you and your child the opportunity to meet their key person and start that all-important bond.

A key person is a member of staff who will be allocated as your child’s main carer and will be responsible for liaising with you about your child’s time and development at nursery. They will also start a secure online ‘learning journey’ (Tapestry) for your child, which is a special app that will have photographs, videos, observations and assessments from your child’s nursery experiences. Parents/carers can access their child’s ‘learning journey’ at anytime, also having the opportunity to upload ‘special moments’ experienced at home making the home and nursery link strong.

We offer up to five days of free settling-in sessions, which usually start with an hour and gradually build up to a full day (or session).